Dream House
In addition to planning for the RX-7, there was another major event occurring in life… moving houses. The way we were able to find and buy this house was rather crazy and unorthodox. Randomly one afternoon back in June, I was given a tip that a house may be for sale in a particularly keen […]
Project RX-7
Although highly costly and time consuming, going through the multitude of cars that I did in the past few years has at least gained me valuable insight and experiences. I have cultivated my tastes enough to finally be able to conclude and assess a verdict. I am returning to my roots, I am returning to […]
All Waiting is Long
This post is prolifically overdue, but I haven’t had many occasions where I could combine sitting down idly with a motivation to write together. During the entire month of June and the beginning of July, I’ve been busy. Not really busy in the true sense of the word, but more in a customary, routine sort […]
If I am going to indulge in this absurd phenomenon of food photography, I will do my best to not follow the norm. Instead of evoking feelings of jealously with an image of a succulent steak meal, I will evoke sympathy and pity with what I call lunch. Behold. A self-made salad consisting of spinach, […]
That’s All
In my usual temperamental and fickle behavior, I sold the Mini Cooper this week. My original intentions were to keep this car for as long as possible. Honest. After finishing off all the recent maintenance work, the Mini was very nearly complete for me. If I had kept the car, my only major plan was […]
RX-7 Lust
So far, I’ve been pretty good at hiding any emotion of regret from selling my RX-7. Well, I think I may be going through withdrawals and I can’t hide it anymore… My cursed pattern has been to work and build on something, and then sell it. I should have kept the RX-7. I should have […]
Stepping Out of the Motorcycle Game
During this past Winter, I’ve had plenty of time to contemplate whether or not to keep up my riding or let it go. I tried my hardest to keep going, but in the end, my better judgement won and I decided to close this chapter of my life. This decision could readily be derived from […]
1962 Mini Cooper
For the longest time, I’ve been throwing around the idea of owning an old school car. It was usually always just something nice to think about, but never transpired into much more than a brief peruse on Craigslist. A Datsun 510 or 240Z were pretty much the staples, but they weren’t quite “special” enough. About […]
Fiat 500
That’s right, I now drive a Fiat 500 Sport. And yes, I sold the BMW. Before you cast me off as a nutcase, give me a moment to explain. I always like to defend my own actions and elaborate on what my thought processes are. Relating back to the subject matter touched upon in this […]
Back in Action… Maybe
With the Gateway out of commission, I decided that the times were ripe to try out a Mac. I’ve been a PC/Windows user all my life, but I figured I could benefit from the ease of use and well-rounded package a Mac offers. I’m not a gamer and truthfully, my computing needs are relatively simple. […]
Please Stand By
I haven’t posted anything in almost 2 weeks, and as unacceptable as that is, I have a semi-legitimate excuse this time: my computer blew up. Okay, it first just died and then I’m pretty sure I blew it up. One day when I pushed the power button, it would start to boot up normally for […]
Sunday Mission
To recap the weekend, Saturday I did nothing. Not completely ashamed of it, because downtime and decompression is a good way to balance out a routine 9-5 weekday. Sunday (yesterday), I took advantage of the clear weather by hiking up Mission Peak with my boy Blue. 3 Sundays ago, I sprained my left ankle to […]