So, this was like, a week ago… Kind of going off the top of my head about the experience. Overall, I thought Richmond was a cool place. As always, the East Coast seems to have a tendency to be hot and humid, and Virginia was no exception.

I didn’t land until almost midnight. The hotel I stayed at was baller, check out this main hall thing:

I was starving, so I went outside to have a look for some food. The downtown area had a portion of all brick road.

I ended up buying some hot dogs, and just ate it outside. There was this questionable looking alleyway nearby, which was interesting.

The job in Virginia was only a day, so I was back home on the third day.

Here’s a picture outside the window of the hotel.

I went to a Chicago’s UNO while I was there for some food. I forgot the name of this dessert, macademia nut cookie something, but it was super long. I think the longer the name a food is, the better it is… because this was delicious.

This Deep Dish pizza wasn’t bad either.

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